What Can Be Tracked
- Complete profile including full bio, special needs, picture and all pertinent Petfinder info
- Medical events and history (such as vaccinations and spay/neuter)
- Placement events and history (foster, adoption, boarding)
People & Organizations
- Complete profile along with relationships to group (foster, adopter, donor, volunteer, etc.)
- Donation events and history
- Volunteer events and history
- Animals placed with or adopted by each individual
- Foster and Volunteer descriptions
- Key information for veterinarians, boarders and donors
Financial Data
- Expenses (medical, supplies, boarding, training)
- Income (such as adoption fees, donations)
Statistics In A Snap
Numbers are automatically generated: how much did you spend on supplies for dogs in October? What about medical fees for cats boarded in November? How much did your last fundraising campaign net? How many kittens came in in July? How many spay/neuters for animals under 5 months? Or, how many hours have been volunteered to your organization over the last year? These numbers are at your fingertips.
Viewing your Data
- Numerous reporting options — break out different kinds of data easily; all data you enter into Trackabeast is searchable and sortable.
- View tabular lists of animals, people, organizations, donations, volunteer history and reminders.
- Printable Reports for individual animals with full medical history, medical alerts, placement information and picture, as well as pertinent profile info for adopters.
- Complete download of data to spreadsheet where you can further slice and dice to your heart's desire.
- Financial data is summed at the top of all list views according to your specific search criteria.
Never Forget An Appointment
Trackabeast allows you to set up reminders which can be viewed by date. You can enter a reminder to vaccinate an animal on a certain date, check up on an adoption by a certain time, call a foster, schedule spay/neuter, or put any text you’d like in the reminder.
Works With What You Do
Automatic reports, data uploads, and microchip registration

Customer-Focused Approach
We provide solid support and continue to develop and customize our software to suit your needs. If you find a statistic you cannot get out of Trackabeast, we'd like to know.
See What Trackabeast Can Do For You
Try Trackabeast free for the first month — no obligation.
Start Free Trial- Only $25/month for most groups
- No installation or set-up fees
- Have questions? Contact us for more info