Foster Parent Application
Please note, the Foster Waiver and Liability Release found at the bottom of this form MUST be completed before an application will be approved.
Contact Info
Veternarian's Name
What type of area do you live in?
If you rent, do you have written permission from your landlord:
About the dog you want to foster
What age of dog do you prefer to foster ?(Check all that apply):
Do you have a gender preference?
Have you previously fostered for another shelter or rescue group?
General Dog Responsibility and Care
Where will the dog be kept during the day or when no one is home? Check all that apply
Where will the dog be kept at night? Check all that apply
Dog/Applicant Compatibility
If you are interested in a specific dog, the Foster Director will discuss as much about the dog as possible to determine if the dog is an appropriate fit for your home. The Foster Director and board members of Clancy's Dream retain the right to confirm, redirect or deny any application for fostering and/or adopting.
Signatures of all members of the home over the age of 18
Foster Parent Name
Co-Foster Parent Name
In Case of emergency, I authorize Clancy's Dream Border Collie Rescue, Inc., to notify the contacts listed below.
Primary Contact Name
Secondary Contact Name
Secondary Contact Address
I understand that because I may handle and/or come in contact with animals, it is important to discuss being vaccinated against tetanus with my physician. I release Clancy's Dream Border Collie Rescue, Inc., from all responsibility that may occur because of my not pursuing this matter further and I understand whatever decision I make regarding vaccination, I make at my own risk. I have read, understand and agree to the above tetanus information
I acknowledge and understand that as a foster parent for Clancy's Dream Border Collie Rescue, Inc., I am not covered by worker's compensation or any other insurance policy through Clancy's Dream Border Collie Rescue, Inc., for any damages or injuries I may sustain during my work as a foster parent for Clancy's Dream Border Collie Rescue, Inc.
I fully understand that as a part of my foster work for Clancy's Dream Border Collie Rescue, Inc, I will come in contact with animals either by directly handling them, fostering, or through assisting in their care and adoption. Further, I understand that working with animals carries a risk of injury and that it is possible that I may be bitten, scratched and/or otherwise injured.
I fully understand that as a foster parent for Clancy's Dream Border Collie Rescue, Inc., my family and/or guests may come in contact with animals in my home. I understand that working with animals carries a risk of injury and it is possible that my family and/or guests may be bitten, scratched and/or otherwise injured.
I hold a valid Driver's License
Co-Foster holds a valid Driver's License
I have valid automobile insurance
Co-Foster holds valid automobile insurance
Must read our Transportation Guidelines. Transportation Guidelines.
I have read and understand Clancy's Dream Transportation Guildelines